At MindWell, we understand that behavior is communication. Though a person might not be aware of why he or she is doing, thinking, or feeling a certain thing, behavior always has a purpose. It can be hard to remember this when our children’s behavior frustrates us, or when it seems to happen “for no reason at all.” When a person’s behavior becomes challenging, it most often means that the person needs help coping. Sometimes when we recognize undesirable behavior (hitting, biting, arguing), we are recognizing the first signs that a person has a disability. The chronic frustration of an undiagnosed disability can lead to challenging or confusing behavior. Sometimes unwanted behavior persists because the person cannot figure out any better way to cope with life stressors. For example, a child who used to be happy to school now strongly resists because she cannot tolerate being bullied.
We believe that all people want to do well and please their loved ones. We believe people would meet our behavior expectations if they could. Our job as psychologists is to help you understand why the unwanted behavior is happening, and to help you make an action plan to support the person (or yourself) through change. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our Northern Virginia office.
Understanding the possible causes:
Support Services: What do you do?
Your MindWell psychologist will help you make an action plan for change. Part of the plan may be therapy with parent coaching. Sometimes testing is needed to understand why the behavior is happening. Mindwell staff will also work on-site with your child’s school to help your child meet behavioral expectations in the classroom.
Learn more about:
Listening/Following Directions
Impulsive Behavior
Uncooperative Behavior