The MindWell Assessment
MindWell Philosophy
MindWell Assessments are a deep dive into a person’s (i.e. child, adolescent, adult) developmental, cognitive, educational, processing, executive functioning, and sometimes social-emotional profile.
- MindWell evaluations are not “a test” but rather a combination of a battery of assessments, clinical judgment, doctoral level expertise, and information gathering that provides a global profile to provide specific recommendations, accommodations, modifications, and diagnoses if appropriate.
- MindWell evaluations are a personalized process that involves creating a relationship with the child/family.
- MindWell has an extensive library of testing measures that are the most up to date and empirically validated.
- MindWell clinicians have worked with most surrounding public schools, preschools, homeschooling co-ops, and DC metro Independent Schools. We are considered the “gold standard” for evaluation because of our reputation for in-depth, nuanced, and personalized assessments. We are considered experts in the areas of ADHD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, autism spectrum, anxiety, depression, and childhood behavioral problems. Our referrals come from psychiatrists, pediatricians, therapists, learning centers, teachers, tutors, and most importantly word of mouth.
MindWell Process
Assessment Event | Process |
Client call/web submission |
1. Talk to Intake staff: Lis, Lynda, or Laura about MindWell Philosophy 2. Schedule Assessment with MindWell Clinical Psychologist
3. If not ready to decide, schedule 20 minute session with MindWell Clinical Psychologists and Owners: Dr. Kristi Guadagnoli or Dr. Rachna Varia |
Scheduling |
1. Schedule testing day(s) 2. Complete Forms 3. Send Previous Records 4. Schedule first discussion with psychologist |
Intake: In person or virtual |
1. Information gathering about child’s developmental, educational, and social background. 2. What are you hoping to learn from testing? 3. Explain testing process and coordinate conversations with others |
Pre-Testing Questionnaires |
1. Email links to online questionnaires for parents and teachers 2. Mail pencil to paper questionnaires 3. Questionnaires should be completed before the testing day and brought to the testing session. |
Record Review | Clinician reviews all previous testing and school documentation and begins to create a battery that would best help child. |
Information Gathering | Begin reaching out permissible teachers, tutors, therapists, etc. before and/or after testing day |
Testing Day: In person only |
1. Testing is an interactive process that involves administered nationally normed, standardized assessments, behavioral observations, and clinician acumen. 2. Testing only done by doctoral level psychologist in 1:1 interactive format. 3. A child doing poorly on a memory task could be due to inattention, memory, lack of strategy, anxiety, lack of motivation, or all of the above. MindWell clinicians marry the objective data with the experience of the child to best understand what the score profile means FOR THAT CHILD. 4. Testing day(s) will include breaks for snacks, movement, lunch, and touching base with parents. 5. Testing batteries evolve as time is spent with child. It is not a cookie cutter approach but based on best practice, the needs of that child, and psychologist expertise to determine what needs to be explored in more depth. 6. Additional questionnaires may be sent home. |
Scoring |
1. All tests are norm referenced scored with correlating standard scores, T-score, percentile ranks, grade equivalents, classifications using hand scoring, software scoring, and/or projective analysis. 2. Create a summary of scores 3. Need ALL questionnaires in hand before analysis process |
Review of scores and data analysis | Interpreting data – connecting the dots to understand child’s profile of strengths and weaknesses. |
Research | Research child’s profile and determine best practice for diagnoses and recommendations. |
Write Report |
Report is 20-40 pages that includes data, observations, examples, diagnoses, implications for real life, and parenting, educational and emotional recommendations.
Feedback Session |
1. Meet with parents (and child if appropriate): Virtual or In person. 2. Explain results in great detail and empower family to move forward with specific recommendations 3. If IEE, clinician will send report and invoice to school |
Immediate Follow up | Availability for follow up questions with clinician. |
MindWell Fees
- We are CareCredit providers and if eligible, your payment can be spread out over six months.
- Testing and therapy fees are usually covered by Health Savings Plan and Flexible Savings Plan.
- We are Independent Educational Evaluators (IEE) for several counties
- We provide an itemized receipt (intake, testing codes, tests administered, report writing, and feedback) at the feedback session BUT cannot guarantee any insurance reimbursement given that our testing often falls beyond the scope of what insurance companies cover for evaluations.
- Developmental Testing to understand developmental and cognitive abilities of children under age five. Often used to rule in or rule out an autism spectrum diagnosis: $2500-$3000
- Psychoeducational/Neuropsychological Testing to understand cognitive functioning, learning, processing, attention, reading, writing, and math. Often used to explore concerns of dyslexia, dysgraphia or ADHD impacting learning: $3600-$4000
- Neuropsychological Testing with Emotional/Personality Measures: Neuropsychological testing described above AND exploration of emotional and social functioning to include coping skills, anxiety, mood, social skills, behavior. Often used to explore concerns related to school as well as relationships, depression, anxiety, or behavioral problems: $4600-$5500.
- IQ testing: Administering the WISC-5, Stanford Binet, WPPSI-4, or WAIS-4. Often used for independent school admissions or advanced academic programs: $450
- Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) Testing. IEE’s can be requested through your public school system if the county has done testing within three years and you are requesting a second opinion. We contract with the following school systems:
- Fairfax County Public Schools
- Loudoun County Public Schools
- Alexandria City Public Schools
- Arlington City Public Schools
- Prince William County Public Schools
- Stafford County Public Schools
- Fauquier County Public Schools
- Page County Public Schools
- Other public school systems based on individual agreement
Some counties pay our full fee and others require the family to pay some money out of pocket.
MindWell Transparency
- MindWell clinicians are all independent contractors who practice the MindWell philosophy but have full autonomy over their schedules, appointments, methodology, and testing reports. Every testing clinician is a licensed doctoral level psychologist and not under any supervision or oversight.
- Clinicians will not provide a diagnosis if there is no data to support it
- MindWell cannot determine public school eligibility for special education services; this is an eligibility team’s decision that should take our report into account
- MindWell cannot MAKE the school implement our recommendations; this may involve an educational advocate
- Given that we only work within the scope of our expertise, we do not work with actively suicidal, psychotic, or court ordered patients.
- MindWell psychologists are primarily expert diagnosticians and do not provide tutoring, therapy, medication management, IEP writing, or advocacy. We do, however, have a trusted group of professionals we refer to.
MindWell Goal
Testing IS a pivotal, often life changing event that provides data, context, explanation, relief, and a path forward for academic success and emotional well-being. While the assessment process is not therapy nor intervention, it is often the first well informed step toward change. We are committed to provide best practice, doctoral level expertise, and compassion and warmth as you begin this journey.