Recognize the Issue
A temper tantrum is a sudden emotional and behavioral expression of anger. This behavior may involve crying, screaming, kicking and high levels of distress. Tantrums are common among children ages 1-4 and typically last several minutes. A tantrum is a child’s way of expressing frustration about their physical, emotional or mental frustrations.
Temper tantrums are typical of developing children, however, the following are red flags:
- the child physically hurts themselves or their caretakers during the tantrum
- the child can’t calm down after several minutes of parental soothing
- the tantrums are occurring throughout the day for days on end
- the tantrums last longer than 10 minutes
As children mature, they learn coping skills to manage their emotional frustration. However, when children are having difficulty managing at home, school and socially, it may be appropriate to get a consultation.
Understand Possible Causes
Support Services: What do you do?
Behavior modification is the treatment of choice. Goal oriented therapy will target both family and child to eliminate tantrums.