Excellent | Complete | Real-World | Genuine | Trustworthy |
It can take a month to get seen by some therapists, and months more until you see the assessment report. We don’t want you to lose the school year – or let difficulties at home and school drag on. MindWell accelerates the process so you can see us and have your report within a month – or less. We also make sure your report is a good value, covering everything so you won’t have to repeat testing or spend time and money addressing the wrong problem. Plus, MindWell assessments are performed by doctoral-level clinicians. But while we know all the interventions that can be used in dealing with particular educational, development, emotional or behavioral issues, we also know certain interventions simply aren’t right for a particular child or family. So, instead of overwhelming you with everything that could be done, we hone in on the real-world interventions that are most viable for you. This action-oriented approach helps you see clear priorities so you can begin to see a difference.