How do we teach critical thinking skills? I do testing to assess cognitive and educational ability but I see so many children who lack critical thinking skills and curiosity.
I’ve embarked on a journey with my own children (ages 8 and 11). I thought I would share our conversation because as a psychologist and parent, I really encourage parents to talk to their children about the world and not ju…st sports, grades, friends, and chores.
Tonite we discussed what countries have been to the moon….which launched a discussion about Russia and the US being rivals- and what is a rival and what is an ally? Who are our allies? And what is another type of relationship- such as with a country like Saudi Arabia where we have oil interests but we may have different governing styles (i.e. womens rights). It wasn’t a political conversation, but one that left them with more questions- which I think all children need to develop. The culture of technology and instant information has stunted reflection and thinking.
Pick a topic and see where it leads you. It can just be for ten minutes, but it develops opinions, problem-solving, and THINKING not just memorizing.
Rachna Varia, PhD